I've worked on the Lottery account at three different agencies. These are my three favorite projects.
The Lottery's longest-playing game called for spots shot at the loooooooongest frame rate possible.
Give the gift of surprise.
Photographed by famed portrait photographer, Martin Schoeller, these giant heads–each depicting the very moment of a big win–took over transit shelters, bus backs, and were projected onto Minneapolis skyscrapers.
Caesar's Jackpot
To promote this casino-themed scratch game, we encouraged Minnesotans to let their Vegas out.
In addition to the broadcast, we brought the characters to life by having them show up (in full Vegas regalia) in high-traffic locations and at events, as well as here:
Amused locals posted pictures of our Lost Cat poster to social media, alerting several local news stations who ran a segment on our campaign.
And no, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to write a cheeky voicemail message, so the telephone number did actually work.